Trying to learn to code

I was curious about how technology is developing and decided to study a little.

Over the years I've worked in a lot of technology roles, but they tend to be more at the level of application architecture and configuration. Although if we go far back enough in time I did know some Job Control Language on mainframe and I was able write and debug basic programs in SAP's propritary ABAP language.

So far I've been working with freeCodeCamp on web related scripting and programming languages and also with Harvards CS50 at a more fundamental level with C.

freeCodeCamp: Responsive Web Design

Survey form

Tribute page

Technical documentation page

Product landing page

Personal portfolio website

freeCodeCamp: JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms

Palindrome checker

Roman numeral converter

Telephone number validator

Cash register

Pokemon search app

Harvard CS50

Scratch - CS50 forklift game

Problem set 0


CS50 PSet 1 - C

Problem set 1


hello.c mario (more) credit

CS50 PSet 2 - Arrays

Problem set 2


scrabble readability caesar

CS50 PSet 3 - Algorithms

Problem set 3


sort plularity runoff

CS50 PSet 4 - Memory

Problem set 4


volume filter (less) recover